Online Mentorship

Awaken into Oneness

an intimate journey within yourself

Would you like to connect with your power?
Is it your wish to unfold  into your life mission?
Is it your dream to experience your gift and your magic?
Would you like to discover your essence?
I invite you to join now

I am Azuni, a mentor and spiritual guide for over 22 years. By offering one on one sessions as well as being a mentor during healing trainings, self-mastery retreats and  shamanic ceremonies, I have witness many Souls, to awaken into their higher potentials.
With this online mentorship I help you to connect to your power. 

To access your essence and align to the truth of your soul. This mentorship is a one-on-one guidance, to support an intimate awakening journey within yourself.
This is a journey to connect to the beauty that lives inside you, to give the right attention and love to grow your true potential.

I am Azuni, a mentor and spiritual guide. By offering one on one sessions as well as being a mentor during healing trainings, empowerment retreats and  shamanic ceremonies, I have witness many Souls, to awaken into their higher potentials.
With this online mentorship I help you to connect to your power. 

To access your essence and align to the truth of your soul. This mentorship is a one-on-one guidance, to support an intimate awakening journey within yourself.
This is a journey to connect to the beauty that lives inside you, to give the right attention and love to grow your true potential.

What can you expect from a 1-on-1 mentorship ?

 Self-mastery tools that support your body, your mind and your soul.
 Clearing what does not serve you anymore. 
 Great shifts that support your growth.
 Deep awakening into Self-Love.
 Empowerment to live the truth of your Soul and your essence.
 The empowerment of your projects and creations. And so much more...
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

You will be supported through:

Variety of exercises as breath work, sound and movement for the expansion of your heart and consciousness.
A selection of tools of empowerment.
Zoom mentorship sessions-60min (90min).
Meditations, video’s and online zoom calls.

What does a mentor session look like?

The sessions are around 60 minutes (sometimes 90 minutes). You set your intention for the journey.
What is the goal you like to aim for ?

Each session we dive deep, this can unfold into deep meditations that give you tools to expand your consciousness, your light inside and more.

It can support you to learn to communicate with parts of yourself, your higher self and your guides. It can unfold into deep healing transformational journeys where I use sound sacred songs & light language, channeled messages with Christ-light healing and transmissions of ancestral codes & glyphs.

The mentor sessions are a great powerful way to integrate consciously the teachings we receive through deep awakening ceremonies, as well as to deepen the unfolding of the sacred journeys we have experienced during ceremonies with sacred plant teachers.

If you are interested to receive online support

We will set up a free zoom call of 20 minutes to understand the intention and understand what kind of package is suitable for your intention and your budget. This is for free. Different packages are offered we can adjust any package to what suits you best in accordance to your financial reality and what you need



Receive spiritual guidance and deep healing sessions with
12 sessions of 60, sometimes 90 min, of 1 on 1 online mentorship
Included :
3x powerful Khaa Temple Soul & Bodywork Christ- Light Healing sessions (online)
1x Awakening into Sound & Light Language practices
3x Happy Heart sessions
Access to extra self-mastery tools :
Teachings & Guided Meditations (MP3)
Action steps and invocations (PDF)
Receive 12 Mentorship sessions over a 8-month time period or less


Pay at once 

1999 €
Receive as a gift 1 free
Khaa healing session!

Option 2

Payment over 3 months: 2340 €

796 € per month

Option 3

Payment over 6 months: 2424 €

422 € per month


Receive spiritual guidance and deep healing sessions with
12 sessions of 60, sometime 90 minutes of one on one, online mentorship
Included :
1x powerful Khaa Temple Soul & Bodywork Christ- Light Healing sessions (online)
1x Awakening into Sound & Light Language practices
Access to extra self-mastery tools :
Teachings & Guided Meditations (MP3)
Action steps and invocations (PDF)
1x extra Coaching Zoom sessions
when needed (30min)
Receive 12 Mentorship sessions over a 8-month time period or less


Pay at once 

Receive as a gift 1 free
Light transmission session!

Option 2

Payment over 3 months: 1824 €

608 € per month

Option 3

Payment over 6 months: 1932 €

322 € per month


You receive your spiritual guidance with
12 mentorship sessions of up to 1 hour online conversation in 1 on 1
Access to extra self-mastery tools :
Guided meditations (MP3)
Action steps and invocations (PDF)
Receive 12 Mentorship sessions given over a
8-month time period or less


Pay at once 

Receive as a gift 1 free
Sound healing activation session!

Option 2

Payment over 3 months: 1284 €

428 € per month

Option 3

Payment over 6 months: 1392 €

232 € per month


If your budget is low I offer for you to commit
to your own capacity in your own timing.
By paying each session 77€ you will receive
a personalized mentoring for your empowerment and well being. 

Meditations and other home practices are transmitted verbally during these sessions.
When you would like to receive the recorded meditation for your home practice,
I will customize them as we practiced them during the mentorship Meeting.
They will be available for you, for 22€ outside of the package.
If I receive that it can be beneficial for you to receive a Khaa Temple Soul & Bodywork
Ceremony or Sound Healing (online version) & Voice activations online,
we will talk about it to see if this is what you like to receive.

Yes I am Interested !

Once you know how deep you want to dive, and what package suites you the best, send me a message with the mentorship of your choice and your chosen payment option.

If you have any questions about it, feel free to send me a message on What's App, Telegram or by email.

Free 20-minute online meeting. You can schedule an online meeting, where you receive some questions about your intention and where I can share with you more about what you can expect. All the packages here are adjustable, to your financial capacity and your intention.

All My Love, Azuni 
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